Monthly Archives: October 2010

Rainy Day Quote

Well… it is actually not rainy, right now. But it has been… it is Bellingham, after all!

Two people today pointed me to this wonderful message from Tullian Tchividjian at the 2010 Desiring God National Conference. He clearly and with depth hits at an issue that resonates through my life… in being sold out to the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). He has some words for those (‘those’ can include me) who try to “balance” grace. So often people try to add some ‘law’ to grace… and so this is very refreshing:

…In my opinion it is a huge mistake to frame the issue as two ditches, one on each side. There aren’t two ways to fall off the Christian life. It’s one way, with two forms. The biggest lie about grace is that it is dangerous and therefore needs to be kept in check. The devil does not want us to believe in the radical nature of grace. The biggest lie he wants us to believe is that grace is dangerous, unruly, and that we need to balance it out with a healthy dose of law.

Believing this violates gospel advancement. This “Yes grace, but…” is the kind of disposition that keeps moralism swirling around in our hearts.

Wonderful truth.

And if you’re still wanting more, here’s an article adapted from his book, Surprised by Grace.

Ok… and I’m giving in… and just embedding the video, for your watching pleasure… rejoice in such a wondrous gospel!


Update (2016): This content has been removed from Desiring God, which saddens me. For the moment, it is still available here.